Ymkje, first ever, in New England, awarded Provisional Model Mare
For Immediate Release
Townshend, VT – Friesians of Majesty entered eight horses to be judged at the New England Keuring held on 9/21/06 and 9/22/06 in Northampton, MA. All eight horses received Premium ratings or better. Friesians of Majesty again shows the world the caliber of Friesian horses in its barns as this is the third year in a row that multiple top titles went to the horses of Friesians of Majesty.
Ymkje was awarded the prestigious title of Model given to very few mares. After spending a year in intense dressage training as Provisional Model after last year’s New England Keuring, Ymkje showed the judges that she has what it takes to have the coveted Model title. Ymkje, along with her rider/trainer Christina “Tini” Hamilton, achieved a score of 82 on the IBOP (athleticism test) which moved her from Provisional Model to Model making her the best of the best. Ymkje is the first mare in New England ever to be awarded Model. This title is the highest rating that a Friesian mare can achieve. She is among the elite mares in this country. Ymkje stands at 17 hands and is the daughter of the famous Teunis 332, which makes it easy to see where she gets her size, her long neck and her great presence. She is the gentle giant.
Geartsje was presented for the second year in a row for 1st Premium Ster Mare. She had first received this title in Holland in 2005 but now will have papers showing this 1st Premium Ster status again for 2006, but now in the US. Geartsje was also awarded Champion Mare for the Keuring. Owner Robert Labrie believes that Geartsje exhibits true Model potential. Geartsje’s sire is Onne 376 (Lute 304).
The mare, Laurenke, won her Ster and Reserve Champion. Laurenke is only a three-year-old mare out of Folkert 353 (Olof 315). The judges commented during the evaluation on her exceptional walk.
Two geldings, Alfons and Diederik, won their Sters, with Diederik taking Reserve Champion Gelding. These two geldings currently are trained in driving as a pair and pull our elegant wedding carriages.
Friesians of Majesty, located in the heart of Vermont’s Green Mountains, is a 650 acre full service breeding and training facility complete with a 100’ x 240’ indoor riding arena. Friesians of Majesty provides horses for sale, year-round training, breeding, foaling, carriage rides for weddings and the quintessential Vermont sleigh ride. Friesians of Majesty welcomes visitors by appointment.
For more information, visit the Friesians of Majesty website:
www.friesiansofmajesty.com or call 802.365.7526